Suay Fusion: A Handmade Jewellery Brand that Fuses Aesthetics with Spiritual Energy

Do you believe in power of gemstones? I do. In fact, back in Hong Kong, where the majority of the population are Buddhists, bracelets made of natural stones are immensely popular and highly sought after. Many believe that wearing bracelets of certain stones can bring them luck, wealth, love, health, and protection— and they are willing to pay a lot for the fortune that these positive energies bring. However, despite my belief in the power of stones, I love looking good more. I kept those beady bracelets as “bijoux a la maison.” I only wore them at home, as I felt that none of them were fashionable enough for me, and besides, they rarely went with any of my outfits.

Well, all that changed when I moved to Phuket and discovered Suay Fusion. “Suay” means “beautiful” in Thai. Suay Fusion is a unique, spiritual and wild brand of jewellery founded and owned by Brazil-born, Phuket-based jewellery designer Renata Rox, who fuses the healing power of crystals with her aesthetic interpretations and realisations in the jewellery she makes.

Healing Beyond Beauty & Beauty Beyond Healing

Renata took the time to share the vision behind Suay Fusion with me:

“My vision is to create jewel pieces that help to express the wearers’ personality with confidence and attitude. The beauty, lies not only at the beauty of the jewellery, but each piece also brings a powerful healing energy that helps people on their personal journey, reminding them what they are looking for and guiding them in the right direction.” 

Indeed, Renata is not only knowledgable about crystals and stones, but she is also a talented and an impressive Astrological Reader. After discovering this, I asked her to do a reading for my whole family. I wanted to understand better the main element driving the characters of my husband, daughter and son, so I could learn how to bring the best out of them and maintain harmony at home. For years, I was told Water was the main drive of my life which, in the back of my mind, I couldn’t quite understand. I definitely felt that I had a personality that fit nicely with the element of water. However, on the other hand, I also have a strong extrovert spirit within me— a being who longed to be free and be everywhere all at the same time. It was Renata who revealed to me that my main element was actually Air, followed by Water. Years of mystery and confusion were finally solved. I finally understood the occasional battles within me, and how my heart and mind would want to go to opposite directions at the same time. Renata’s readings of the numerology of my loved ones also put my mind to peace, about why one of my children behaved a certain way while the other behaved in another.

Enhancing Both Masculinity and the Goddess Within

I never thought that I would ever buy jewellery for my husband, nor did I ever imagine him wearing any accessories other than his wedding band and watch. Renata’s pieces gave me the confidence to gift my husband bracelets crafted from natural stones that were designed help him with stress, bring him good health, and protect him during all his travels and of course, from evil. The magic of Suay Fusion’s jewellry lies in its ability not to minimise any of the man-ness in a man, but rather, bring out the confidence within him, with a touch of finesse.

On the other hand, by playing with both silver and gold, Renata adds the elegance as well as design into each of her one-of-a-kind spiritual jewellery that help us ladies bringing out our inner goddess. I always look good and feel great with a dose of vitality and a clear mind, whenever I adorn myself with her creations.

“My designs are inspired by the power of the Universe, and the fusion of beautiful cultures and spirituality. They’re made for people around the world that know how important it is to stay connected to their own energy and essence.” No wonder Suay Fusion appeals not only to both women and many men, but also to people of all nationalities and cultures.

Handmade with Passion

The spirit of Suay Fusion comes from the belief that you can create your own reality once you know who you truly are. Your style and energy speaks without words, and guides you toward attracting everything you want. Each design is made by hand with a lot of love, passion and a touch of spirituality.  

The range of Suay Fusion spiritual jewellery includes bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and individual ornaments, for both men and women. Of course, they will make fantastic accompaniments to any fashion treasures you acquire while buying clothes in Thailand. Each beautiful necklace, bracelet or earring is meaningful and has an authentic personality— much like the designer herself. Every gemstone combination and pendant has a meaning that boosts your power and beliefs. Many of Suay Fusion’s designs have a touch of spirituality that can help connect you to your inner self.

Despite the fact that Suay Fusion’s pieces are handmade from high-quality materials such as sterling silver and genuine gemstones, they still manage to be priced reasonably: between THB 1,500 and THB 7,000. (At time of this article’s creation, 1 USD was worth 35.68 THB.)

Want a powerful piece of jewellery that truly and uniquely represents YOU and only YOU? Suay Fusion offers custom designs. Get in touch with Renata who will guide you step by step toward the design that will suit your style and personality perfectly.

You can browse Renata’s collection that strives to help you connect with nature, others and your true self at or follow her stunning Facebook and Instagram accounts, both of which can be found @suay.fusion. Or get in touch with her directly by sending her an email at!

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